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FDA’s Announcement on Ecamsule and Enzacamene Applications Demonstrates Clear Disregard for Increased Rates of Melanoma, Public’s Demand for Latest Sunscreen Technology.

Like the Six previously Pending Ingredients

Ecamsule and Enzacamene Will Continue to be Held Hostage by the FDA

Today, the Public Access to SunScreens (PASS) Coalition released a statement regarding FDA’s recent announcement of two sunscreen ingredient applications, ecamsule and enzacamene.

Michael Werner, policy advisor to the PASS Coalition stated, “Today’s action taken by the FDA regarding ecamsule and enzacamene means that Americans will not have access to innovative products that have been used safely all over the world– in some cases for more than a decade. With skin cancer and melanoma rates increasing dramatically, Americans need more options to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Last fall, the US Surgeon General issued a Call to Action on skin cancer urging the federal government to work with the private sector and take necessary steps to respond to this public health crisis. FDA’s latest action is inconsistent with this approach.

For the full press release, please click here

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